Monday, October 4, 2010

The Dream Act

I read a well done editorial on statesman website about the Dream Act issue. The author, Alberta Phillips, begins by defining what the Dream Act is about. Phillips says that the Dream Act is a permit for the children of illegal immigrants who are also illegal immigrants to earn their citizenship through military service or a two year college degree. Phillips points out that there are 258,000 illegal immigrants living in Texas who would benefit under the Dream Act.  One thing that I like the most about this editorial is when Phillips says, “The premise of the legislation is noble. Its aimed at children who bear no blame or responsibilities in the circumstances that brought them to the U.S. Children who are American by virtually every measure- culture, education, except legal status.” I like this line because it sounds human, and it explains the reality of this situation. These children who are now adults came to the U.S. because their parents made the decision of bringing them to the U.S. so they could have better opportunities for education.  These children would not have a job opportunity after graduating from college without the Dream Act. Phillips ends her editorial by making a statement and saying that to make the dream act more acceptable for the public; students should be required to finish a two year degree plus two years of public service. I totally do not agree with this line because I think that is creating more barriers for every child who is illegally in this country. Obligating them to graduate from high school and graduate from college or serve in the military should be enough.
 Alberta Phillips, the author of this editorial, makes really good arguments in favor of the dream act except for her last line; requiring students who graduated from college plus two years of public service. The author’s target audience is people who are opposed to the Dream Act.

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