Monday, November 29, 2010

Fighting Drugs

While surfing the internet I found an article on statesman website about how to fight drug cartels in Mexico and Texas. The author Mckenzie, is an Austin-based journalist from New Zealand with an interest in drugs and border issues. Mckenzie begins his article talking about the interview that he had with the US ambassador to Mexico when Carlos Pascual the ambassador came to Austin. What have caught my attention in this article is this interview. Mckenzie says that while interviewing Pascual he asked him the following: how serious are the Obama’s and Calderon administration in fighting drugs? Pascual gave a weak response when he said that his administration are serious and are going to stop all this drug distribution along the border.
Mexico has serious problems because 28,000 people have lost their lives. they need to find a solution as soon as possible. Mckenzie also says that the drug violence is escalating because of the increasing pressures on the drug market. The cartels have taken over Mexico and soon will try to dominate states closest to the border of Mexico. This line shocks me because we are four hours in away from Mexico and it makes me wonder how long are we are going to be safe? Mckenzie ends this article with interesting thought, he says that the Obama and Calderon administration can choose to continue their militaristic approach against drugs , but that it will mean more deaths in the near future. I think that both administrations ought to do something and fast, because we can soon can have similar violence in Texas.

1 comment:

  1. When I was reading my classmate’s blog, this commentary caught my attention because Mexico is very close to Texas and also because Mexico is in a very ugly situation right now. Apparently the ambassador of Mexico is not really sure about what is going to happen in Mexico, and I think they are just trying to say they have everything under control when they really don’t. Claudia mentions the number of deaths in Mexico and I think this is the first example that the president and government are not doing things right. I am from the middle part of Mexico and am actually surprised we still don’t have drug related violence in my hometown. This situation in my country makes me really sad and also makes me think about the old days when people felt safe in Mexico.

    Apparently governments from Mexico and the USA are trying to fight against this drug war. Many people are affected and I think this is a problem that begins in the homes of every citizen. Parents need to be responsible for their children. In the US, people need to really teach their children about the dangers of doing drugs. In Mexico, people need to teach their children that entering the drug business will only result in problems for them and their family. This is the only way to truly stop this horrible problem because if not, this problem is going to be even worse over time. I think the problem that Mexico is facing is not only about drug dealing; it is more about who has the power of the drug business. Many people think that governments in Mexico are trying to stop the drug problem but sadly many of them are in the business, which makes this problem worse. Hopefully Mexico can work to a solution for all this violence. My classmate’s blog talks about the current drug problem and everyone should read the important points she makes.
